

The store opened on December 26, 2023.

The Ermine store is now launched on the mainnet.

Get a discount of 10% on virtual miners until Jan 30, 2024 inclusive.

You need to follow us on twitter or subscribe to the channel on telegram and send application form for a discount.

Create order
Total: 0 ETH
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You do not have enough ETH in your wallet to make a purchase! Top up your balance and repeat your purchase.
The order is empty. Select the miners you want to buy from the Ermine Store
Congratulations! You can purchase miners with a % discount! The discount was applied automatically.
Confirm and pay
Confirm the payment in your wallet.
Waiting for payment...
You have confirmed the payment.
Your purchase is processed on the Ethereum network.
The purchase was completed successfully.
Thank you!

You need to follow the steps.

  • Connect your crypto wallet.
  • Check the contents of your order and pay for it.

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